Best Earphones For Musicians And Studio Professionals

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Best Earphones For Musicians

If you’re a musician or a recording/mixing studio professional, good monitoring earphones would be a must. So, which ones are the best earphones for musicians & studio professionals? Well, let’s find out in this article. As the title suggests, these are earphones so, in-ear type. In case you want over the ear ones, we have a separate article for that. You can read that article by clicking here.


Best Earphones For Musicians And Studio Professionals

After checking extensively, we have three main recommendations & then one bonus recommendation. Check them out below,

Audio-Technica ATH-E70

Price: $399.00

The Audio Technica ATH-E70 is definitely our top pick here. Its strength lies in it’s three balanced armature drivers on each ear. These drivers are responsible for super accurate and extended response in the entire frequency range that it supports. It has amazing balance & isolation which makes the sound output more precise & makes it a great option for Studio & Stage monitoring. It has an impedance of 39 ohms. So, if you’re a professional musician & you have the budget, you should go for the ATH-E70.

Buy Audio-Technica ATH-E70

Logitech UE 900s

Price: $249.99

If you’d like something slightly less expensive, the Logitech UE 900s might be a good option for you. It has a slightly lower impedance of 30 ohms. Also, there are two balanced armature drivers on each ear instead of three. The UE series is made for professionals & UE 900s is no exception. It has great isolation, proper balance in sound & great precision. So, if you want to do Studio & Stage monitoring with this one, you absolutely can.

Buy Logitech UE 900s

Shure SE215

Price: $99.00

Dropping the budget under $100, we have the Shure SE215. This one is focused more on semi-professionals or general musicians. It has a single driver & an impedance of 17 ohms. For the price, it still does a great job when it comes to isolation. Also, It has a really clear sound with good balance & precision. If your budget is under $100, you can’t go wrong with this one.

Buy Shure SE215


Price: $139.99

Now, if you can’t go as high as the Logitech or Audio-Technica but, still can push a little more than the Shure, the FiiO F9 Pro is a really great option for that. It also has a triple driver setup but in this case, there is 1 dynamic and 2 balanced armature drivers. It also supports Hi-res audio & it has an impedance of 28 ohms. So, definitely much better than the Shure if you can invest $40 more.

Buy FiiO F9 Pro

So, those were our recommendations for the best earphones for musicians & studio professionals. If you have any specific questions or you want us to make a recommendation article of something else, let us know in the comments section below.


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