Boruto Manga Chapter 39 Spoiler & Release Date

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Boruto Manga Chapter 39

So, What we saw in Boruto Chapter 38 was not expected. After reading chapter 37, we thought that Naruto & Sasuke might take down Jigen easily, but that’s not what we saw. On the other hand, we got to know about a new Otsutsuki, named Isshiki. This also got confirmed that Jigen is nothing but his vessel. Also, we got to know that Isshiki now wants Kawaki to be his next vessel. Therefore, there no doubt that we might finally see some great action in Boruto. Also, Boruto’s Karma is one big thing that everyone is discussing. Hence, we are here to discuss Boruto Manga Chapter 39 Spoiler and its release date.


Boruto Manga Chapter 39 Spoiler

Note: If you have any theory or want to add value to our Boruto Manga 39 Spoiler Discussion, feel free to add in the comment below.

There are a few things that everyone might be excited to know about. 1st is who is Jigen and how he became Isshiki’s Vessel. Also, who exactly is Otsutsuki Isshiki. We might get to know about this in Boruto Manga 39, but it’s sure that we will soon know about him. First, we will see the gathering of all 5 Nations Kage’s. Also, everyone would be waiting for Sauke to get conscious so that they know the situation.

Not only that, but it is also said that we might know past about Jigen. Also, glims on what Naruto the 7th Hokage will do in the situation.

Boruto Manga Chapter 39 Release Date

The release date for Boruto Manga Chapter 39 is officially announced. As per the official statement you can read Boruto Chapter 39 on 20th October 2019. If there is any change in the schedule, then I will update you here. Also, you are open to sharing your thought on this chapter. Do let us know, what you think will happen in Boruto Chapter 39.

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