How To Edit Memoji On iPhone/iPad?

Category: How To, iPhone 2 0

Memoji is nothing but personalized Animoji. Actually, it is Apple’s version of Snapchat’s bit emoji or Samsung AR’s emoji. Animoji is the one which is the animated version of the user. But there will be filters like brown hair, gold hair, cowboy hat, and so on.


What is Memoji?

Memoji will be available only for apple mobiles. This is introduced in 2018 on iOS12 mobile. In Android mobiles, we call it emoji. On International emoji day, Apple company introduced this new feature. Apple uses Augmented reality in its devices. However, it animates the user’s face using different filters using a true depth camera. You can use memoji, memoji stickers while chatting with your friends. Also, you can use animated memoji on your mobile. make your chatting, attractive and also impressive to others.Memoji

You can use this while chatting. On MacBook memoji’s are used This is available for only iOS 12 and above versions. Also, iPad devices use these while texting. The user can create the memoji. According to mood, these can be changed. It recognizes the user’s voice and mirrors the user’s facial expressions. Moreover, you can create memoji’s stickers also. Using face id the camera detects your face and creates memoji. Before check whether your face id is working or not on your mobile.

How To Create Memoji?

Below are the steps to create a Memoji:

  • Unlock your iPhone. Now open the messages app.
  • Click on the “Compose Button” for typing a new message. you can also go for existing conversation.
  • Now, tap on the “Memoji Button”. It looks like a face-capturing icon of a small image.
  • Then swipe right and then tap on the “New Memoji” button. It looks like a “+” Symbol.
  • You can select and customize your memoji.create memoji
  • However, you can add skin tone, hairstyle, eyes, and more.
  • Then you can tap done. Now your Memoji is ready.

How To Edit Memoji?

Following are the steps to edit the memoji:

  • You created a memoji but you feel to edit it again.
  • Then Go to messages and then tap on compose button.
  • Now, click on the Memoji sticker or memoji button.
  • There you select the memoji you want to edit.edit memoji
  • Tap on the “more” button. Then select one of the three options namely edit, delete, and duplicate.
  • Choose “edit” and improvise the memoji as you wish.
  • You can change your hairstyle, the color of the skin tone, and more in the memoji.

How To Use Memoji In Messages?

By following the below steps you will know how to use memoji in messages:

  • Make sure you are using iPhone 12 and above versions.
  • Memoji can be used only on those devices.
  • Now Open the message and then tap on the “Compose Button”.
  • You can start a new conversation or you can open the existing conversation.
  • Click on the Memoji button and then swipe left.send
  • There will be a list of memoji’s. You can pick the memoji you want to send.
  • Tap on the record button to record and then stop. The time you can record is 30 seconds.
  • If you want to choose a different memoji with the same recording then, pick the other memoji you created.
  • Then tap on the “Send” button.
  • The message along with memoji is sent to the other person.

How Can You Create Memoji Stickers?

For iOS 13 and above the memoji stickers can be created and used. Your memoji can be turned into sticker packs on your keyboard. Moreover, you can use them in messages, emails, all social media applications, and even third-party applications. These are the steps to create a memoji sticker:

  • The first step is to create your memoji as instructed above.Edit
  • Now, open the keyboard and click on the Memoji sticker button. The sticker button looks like the person with love symbol glasses. It is of small size will be located on the screen of your mobile.
  • Select the sticker memoji you want to send.
  • Then tap on the “Send” button.

How Do You Use Animated Memoji In FaceTime?

To make fun with your friends you can make a call on facetime. By using animated memoji you can make conversation funny. These are the steps to use animated memoji in facetime:

  • Use the iPhone 13 or iPad and more to make animated memoji calls on face time.
  • Now, open the face time on your iPad or your mobile.Animated
  • When the call gets started tap on the effects button. It looks like a star button surrounded by a circle.
  • Click on the Memoji you want to use in the call.
  • Now you can continue your conversation on facetime with the animated memoji.
  • To go back or exit the memoji you can tap on the cross button. Now you can go back to normal face without a memoji and can continue the conversation.
  • You can also change the memoji by using the above steps.


Memoji and memoji stickers can be used only on devices iPhone 13 and above. The memoji feature is created by Apple company. The animated memoji feature can be accessed while you are making conversation on face time.

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