How To Fix The Hulu Error Code P-DEV320 On Any Device

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Fix The Hulu Error Code on any device. However, one can fix this using a simple process. Hulu is one of the leading streaming platforms. Also, it is the top streaming platform. Moreover, often there will be errors for users who use this.


What is Hulu?

Hulu is the video streaming platform. It is designed in the US. However, the majority is been owned by the Walt Disney company. Disney is the top streaming platform in the US. In Hulu, you can demand a movie or TV series as it is on-demand. You can have your account for free in it. It is also known as a video-on-demand platform.Hulu app

Fix the Hulu Error Code P-DEV320 

As it is the top streaming platform also it has more errors. Among those P-DEV 320 is the major and common error. The errors occur on all devices namely iPhone, Android, Smart Tv, Roku Tv, and Xbox One. To fix the error there are so many methods.

1. Clear Cache

The Hulu app stores more cookies and cache in it. It stores cache on your device to increase the performance of the application. The more they get stored the data gets corrupted and leads to a streaming problem.

  • If you are using Hulu on “Android” device. Then, open the “settings” app and click on the “Apps” icon. A list of apps will be displayed. Select the “Hulu” app and then “Storage and cache”. Now click on “Clear Storage” and “Clear Cache”.Fix The Hulu Error Code
  • On Smart tv, you go to the “Settings” app. Then click on “Applications”. There you can see “Manage installed Applications”. Now, select the “Hulu” app and click on “Clear cache” and “Clear data”.smart tv clearing cache
  • If you are using iPhone then click on the “Settings” app. Now select the “General” option and next “Storage”. Now, tap on the “Hulu” app, delete and uninstall the app. Again reinstall it from the app store.
  • However, if you are using the browser then clear the browser cache and load it again.

2. Check the Internet Connection

This also plays a major role in showing error. Check whether your device is connected to the internet. If it is connected and still you are getting the same error. Then,

  • Remove background apps.
  • If you are using a router keep it near to your device.
  • Check the speed using the speed test on the browser of your device.internet speed check
  • Make sure that the speed should be 3Mbps for movies and episodes.
  • Also, it should be 8Mbps for live streaming, and for 4kcontent it should be 12Mbps speed.
  • If it is a low speed you can watch but the picture quality will be less. If there any connectivity problems try to fix Err internet Disconnected error.
  • By using this also you can fix the error.

3. Check Hulu Update

  • Check whether you are using an updated version of the Hulu app. If any updations required update them.Fix The Hulu Error Code
  • Moreover, on your Hulu account page remove your device. Log out from your account, close it, and log in again using credentials.
  • You can log out from one device and try to log in from another device. If you have two devices try this out.
  • If your device is working on another device and not on the first device then it is the problem of the app. Also, the error P-dev360 occurs in this way only.
  • Still, if it is getting the same error then you can email them the Hulu app support. You can send your issue to their official mail.

What are the causes of error?

This error is displayed on the screen in the below format

  • We’re having trouble playing this
    It may help if you turn your device off for a minute and try again. Hulu Error Code: P-DEV320
  • Also sometimes it will be displayed asFix The Hulu Error Code
  • Hulu Error Code: P-DEV318
  • Hulu Error Code: P-DEV322
  • This error occurs if there is any bug from the Hulu providers.
  • However, errors may occur due to network and connectivity problems.
  • Also, an error occurs if you are using an outdated application or web browser on your device.


Hulu is available as an application also you can use it on the browser. While you are browsing sometimes there would be some errors like P-DEV 360. There are some methods to fix the error. By using those you can easily fix and use the Hulu on the browser or as an app. The causes of error are clearly mentioned. For safe browsing and usage of Hulu, you can read this.

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