How Can You Hide Chat On Instagram Live?

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How To Hide Chat On Instagram Live? In this article, you are going to learn this trick. Most people send more chats when a person is on Live. Some of them send messages which are not good to read. People use bad language. Many of them will be sending “tell my name”, “send me hi”, and so on. So some people hide their chat to prevent all the comments.

How To Hide Chat On Instagram Live?

Below steps to be followed for hiding the chat on Instagram  Live:

  • Firstly, open the Instagram app on your mobile.
  • If it asks to fill in the log-in details fill them. Otherwise, leave it.
  • You start Instagram Live by tapping on the Camera Icon. The Icon is on the top left corner of the screen.Camera Icon
  • That is stories feature. In stories at bottom of your screen, you will find an option called “Live”.
  • Tap on the circle. You will be Live on Instagram to your followers.Live Icon
  • Followers will be sending comments. To hide them tap on the comments section which is a small one.
  • There beside comments, you can see three dots.
  • Click on those three dots.
  • There you can find “Turn Off Commenting”. Tap on it.How To Hide Chat On Instagram
  • From now your followers cannot comment and also cannot see others’ comments.

In this way, you can hide comments or chat on Instagram live.

What is Instagram Live?

Instagram Live is the one that allows you to broadcast your live video. The option is available on the Instagram app. It is found in the “Stories” Column of the app. When you open the app, you will find a camera symbol. It is on the top left of the screen. When you select it, there at the bottom you will find the feature “Live”. When you tap on the button you can go live on the screen. the Live will be seen only to the followers who follow you on Instagram.Instagram Live

Even when any one of your followers is Live, you can watch them. You can also comment on the live video. Also can send text or emoji reaction on live video. On the Right bottom corner of the screen, you will find a heart symbol. you can long-press it for sending more hearts to the video which is streaming live to you. Followers’ live videos can be watched by you only if you tap on their profile picture. When any of your following or follower is Live you will be getting an Instagram Notification on the home screen. The Live video can for a period of one hour. Besides the username of the person who came on Live, you can see the count of people who are watching the live video along with you. Live videos can be watched by you in mobile as well as on desktop if you are logged in.


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