How to Make Slime – Best and Easy Ways to make a Slime at Home

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How to Make Slime

There are lots of recipes for slime. Which one you choose depends on the ingredients you have and the type of slime you want. This is a simple, affordable way to keep your hands busy for hours and refresh your mind. If you’re a busy grandparent, parent, or caregiver looking for a fun do-it-yourself for a fun learning and play activity. There are many types of Slime that you can make for yourself and for your loved ones. In this article, you will find how to make slime at home.


1. How To Make Slime With Shaving Cream

Ingredients needed to make using Shaving cream

  1. Shaving cream
  2. Salt
  3.  Kids 3-in-1 Shampoo
  4. Mixing utensil
  5. Mixing bowl

Follows These Steps to make using Shaving cream

  • Pour shampoo into a mixing bowl. Take two tablespoons.
  • Add shaving cream to the bowl. Take the same amount of shaving cream as shampoo.
  • Mix both shampoo and shaving cream well.
  • Add salt to it, take two teaspoons of salt.
  • Mix them well until it gets smooth.
  • Freeze for 15 minutes.
  • Remove from the freeze and play.

2. How To Make Slime With Body Wash

Ingredients needed to make using Body Wash

  1. Body wash
  2. Food coloring
  3. Cornstarch
  4. Mixing bowl
  5. Mixing utensil
  6. Water

Follows These Steps to make using Body Wash

  • Add body wash to the bowl. Take two tablespoons of body wash.
  • Add food coloring. Continue adding until you achieve the desired color.
  • Add cornstarch into the mixture. Take the same amount of cornstarch as body wash.
  • Mix them until it gets smooth.
  • Remove and start having fun with your Slime

3. How To Make Slime With Glue

Ingredients needed to make using Glue

  1. Glue
  2. Shaving cream (Optional)
  3. Food coloring (Optional)

Follows These Steps to make using Glue

  • Add glue to the mixing bowl.
  • If you want fluffier Slime then add some Shaving cream.
  • Mix them well and enjoy it.

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