Top 20 types of Domain Registration and Web Hosting Deals

Category: Domains & Hosting, Marketing 307 0

In this article, you will find 20 Types of Domain Registration and Web Hosting Deals, we are going to take you through various types of deals that you should know how to Get Best deals when you are buying a Domain or a Web Hosting Package. For the purpose of completeness and to help offline purchases, we have kept a few types of deals which do not apply much to online commerce.


What is a Deal?

A deal is anything like a Discount, A Promo, A Voucher or a Free for Use, where a user or a consumer gets to buy or use a product less than the price that the provider is selling the product. A deal is a generic term used for all these marketing items.

Types of Domain Registration and Web Hosting Deals

Top 20 Types of Domain Registration and Web Hosting Deals
Top 20 Types of Domain Registration and Web Hosting Deals

Here you can find various types of deals that marketers typically use for marketing and selling of their products/services.

  1. Product Discounts
  2. Free Shipping
  3. Free Returns
  4. Flash Sales
  5. Free Service
  6. Clearance Sales
  7. Discounts on Packages
  8. Introductory Offers
  9. Higher Discounts on low moving Days
  10. Exchange Programs
  11. Volume Based Discounts
  12. Product Giveaways / Gifts
  13. Free Accessories
  14. Loyalty Points
  15. Coupons
  16. Consumer / User competitions
  17. Holiday Promotions
  18. Buy One Get One (BOGO)
  19. Free First Year for Multi-Year Subscription
  20. Discounts on Annual Subscription
  21. Unlimited Usage with Subscriptions

General Deals used in Sales and Marketing

Discount Coupons

Discount Coupon - Types of Domain Registration and Web Hosting Deals
Discount Coupon – Types of Domain Registration and Web Hosting Deals

“In marketing, a discount coupon is a ticket or document that can be redeemed for a financial discount or rebate when purchasing a product.

Discount coupons are issued by manufacturers of consumer packaged goods or by retailers or by Service Providers, to be used in retail stores or Online as a part of sales promotions.”

Planning, Printing, Distributing, and Monitoring discount coupons was a cumbersome task earlier. But these days with the help of technology and the internet this became very simple.

HowToCrazy is providing Discount Coupons for many of the online Services such as Domain Registration, Web Hosting, SEO Packages, WordPress Plugins, etc.

e-Coupons, e-Vouchers, e-Deals

Promo Codes

Promo Codes are similar to Discount Coupons but there is no physical coupon involved. These days with the use of technology and internet, Discount Coupons and Promo Codes become more or less similar.  A discount coupon (A Printed one) may not have a code, where a Promo Code is nothing but a Code only. It is very common to have Discount coupons with Promo Codes embedded.

Promotional Codes, Discount Codes, Voucher Codes

Discount Vouchers

Discount Vouchers are also similar to Discount Coupons, the difference is that a voucher is used only once. For example, a Promo Code like NEWYEAR50 giving 50% discount is used multiple times by many users, where a voucher code like NEWYEAR00001 can only be used by one user and one time. Once used the validity expires, it is a like ticket.

Flash Sales

Through Flash sales, online and offline retailers offer a huge discount so that they can sell many products in a quick time. Online Retailers like Amazon uses Flash Sales to sell highly new products which are not yet available in Markets like a new version of Smartphones. etc. Flash sales typically last for a couple of hours or couple days or till the inventory lasts. A flash Sale is different from a Clearance Sale in a way that clearance sales typically used to clear of the old inventory and hence they are deeply discounted. You may need to watch the product quality in a clearance sale.

Clearance Sales

Retailers typically use Clearance Sales for clearing the existing inventory and they offer deep discounts on these clearance sales. For Seasonal Products, Clearance Sales happen during the change of the season. Also, retailers conduct clearance sales before products expire. For Products like Clothing, there are trends that change often and retailers clear off their inventory before the start of another year or when a new trend starts.

Strategies used for Clearance Sales

  1. 50% discount – Discount always attracts more eyeballs. The discount can be a flat discount or an up-to discount. In case of up to 50% discount, you can mix up some quality items with lower discounts.
  2. Buy One Get One (BOGO) – It is the same as a 50% discount, but the buyer is going to end up purchasing 2 items

Free Accessories

Many of the retailers offer free accessories as a gift when you buy at a certain scale. It is very common retailers say if the total sale is $100, you will get a gift coupon or an accessory like a key chain or a gym bag, etc.

In the online world, companies offer a Free Domain if you are purchasing a hosting plan for a complete year. They also offer free SSL certificate if your plan is above the basic hosting plan.

Higher Discounts on low moving Days

Every Business carries a fixed cost of operations. This is the cost the Business incurs irrespective of the number of sales they do. In some businesses this cost is very high, hence they need to have a amount of sales or a certain value of sales every day or month.

What they do to main this is, to offer a higher discount on the days or seasons where there is a lower demand for their products. For example, it is very common for restaurants to offer 50% discounts on Wednesdays as very less number of people go on dining during the middle of the week.

Product Exchange Programs

Companies selling Consumer Goods use Exchange Programs very often. These companies offer exchange programs under which they discount the new product for the exchange of the older product. Though this not attractive for price-savvy customers, those customers who are always looking to use trending products always find these deals very attractive. Companies also use the exchange rate to sell in a saturated market where it is very difficult to get a high number of new customers.

For example, every time Apple launches a new iPhone, they offer an exchange price for older iPhones. Samsung also does the same. Companies refurbish these many of these products and sell them as refurbished products. Also, they use the parts in making other products.

Types of Domain Registration and Web Hosting Deals

Free Domain Registration with Web Hosting

You can register your domain with one company and host the website at a different company. But many of the web hosting companies offer a free domain with their Annual Hosting Plan. This may not be a big amount to save for the first year, but when you have to renew in the second year, you can save 10 to 15 dollars.

Free SSL Certificates for Unlimited Sites

Most of the web hosting companies provide a free SSL certificate for an unlimited number of sites starting from their mid-range hosting plans. Typically these hosting plans may cost from $10 a month to $50 a month. It is better to have such a hosting plan than buying SSL for every site. In case your site is very popular, you may have to choose a paid SSL Certificate rather a free one. Paid Certificates provide better features and more authenticity compared to Free SSL Certificates.

Discounts on Annual Subscription of Web Hosting Packages

All almost all companies offer a discount if you are going to buy an Annual Plan. These discounts may vary from around 10% to 40% compared to the monthly plan.

The reason is quite simple, Companies spend a lot on Marketing to acquire new Customers (Customer Acquisition Cost). Also, they spend a lot on Service and Marketing to keep a customer (Customer Retention Cost). With an annual subscription customer makes a decision once in a year, hence they need to keep/pursue customer only once in a year, reducing their Retention Cost substantially. Also, the Customer Life Time Value (CLTV, the average amount a customer pays in the lifetime) is going to increase substantially compared to Monthly Subscription.

Sometimes the discount at offer is substantially higher than your cost of capital. In this case, you can opt for Annual Subscription and not a Monthly Subscription.

Discounts offered for Multi-Year Domain Registration

If you are buying a domain and you know that you are going to use for multiple years, you can buy it for multiple years. During first purchase, you get a huge discount up to 40%, whereas you may not get the same during the renewal of the domain. Also, it is an overhead to renew the domain every year. You may also like to avoid a lot of emails and calls when your domain is pending for renewal. The maximum period you can buy to save costs is three years.

Discounts offered through Bulk Domain Purchase

In case you are planning to buy multiple domains, do not be hurry. Most of the Domain Registration companies offer Bulk Domain Purchase deals. You select all the domains you want to purchase though Bulk Domain option. Then their Customer support / Sales team and negotiate for a better price. You may get up to 50% discount compared to what you get without negotiation.

Introductory Offers for New Domains

Businesses use Introductory Offers such as a discount or free gift, made to interest consumers in the buy of a new product that they are launching. They also use Introductory offers to reintroduce and sell an improved version of their products.

Many of the Domain Registration Companies offer registration of new domains for dirt cheap like less than a dollar.

Affiliate Sales Partners

Affiliate Sales - Types of Domain Registration and Web Hosting Deals
Affiliate Sales – Types of Domain Registration and Web Hosting Deals

Apart from Direct Sales and Sales through Distribution Channels, Companies also use Affiliate Sales Networks to sell their products. An Affiliate Sales Network provides an opportunity for companies to scale up their sales and convert a possible competitor as a distributor.

For example, telecom companies sell many Smart Phones along with monthly packages. Consumers get these expensive smartphones at very low prices as part of these packages. Basically, Telecom companies are financing these deals to sell their data and voice plans.

For Domain Registration and Web Hosting, sometimes it costs less when a user purchases through an affiliation partner and not directly from the service provider, due to the deep discounts the affiliation partners get.

Reseller Hosting

Re-seller Hosting – Types of Domain Registration and Web Hosting Deals

Resellers buy a large volume of the product and sell them at the margin. But not every time they will be able to sell their complete inventory, hence they offer large discounts.

This is very much the case in Web Hosting where Resellers buy set of large servers. They add a service on top of the physical Servers they buy. Then they sell as Shared Hosting, Cloud Hosting, and VPS Hosting. Many times the packages you get from Resellers, you won’t get from original service providers.

In subscription models like a WordPress Plugin or a theme or an SEO, Resellers buy unlimited packages. Then they resell to many people, after white-listing the package. For example, a reseller buys an unlimited package for $200 and sells each license at $10. Of course, the reseller has to sell more than 20 licenses to make any money.

As a consumer, you are going to benefit that you are going to buy the license at $10. Whereas you may have to $20 if you have to buy from the original service provider.


Before purchasing, you shall know what and where to look to get the best deals. You can look for Discount Coupons, Promo Codes, and Reseller Programs. You can choose Annual Subscription if your cost of capital is far less than the discount on the offer.

We hope this article Top 20 Types of Domain Registration and Web Hosting Deals help you in buying domains and web hosting. Please comment here if you have any feedback or suggestions.

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