Top 3 Apps for Taking the Best Selfies

Category: Android, IOS 220 0

While I may not take hundreds of selfies every day, I am definitely no stranger to them. However, even if you stretch out your arm far enough, get help from a selfie stick, find great lighting or a great angle, it can still be hard to capture that perfect selfie. It seems like I can easily take more than a dozen selfies before I get a shot I like. So, instead of taking countless selfies when all I need is one great shot, I decided to find the best apps for taking selfies. I used a website a friend recommended called AppGrooves, to know more apps. here I am going to list Best Selfies Apps. All the apps mentioned below are available on Android as well as iOS

Best Selfies


Best Apps to take Selfie

YouCam Makeup 

Note: For countless makeup options

My first pick is YouCam Makeup. I found this to be a great choice for anyone who wants to easily touch up their selfie with a bit (or a lot) of makeup. What I really like is that you don’t need to waste time putting eyeliner or lipstick on, when you can easily add them to your selfie in any color you want. I was particularly impressed with the realistic makeup effects, which look exactly as if you had actually put makeup on. Another plus I found is that you can even change your hairstyle and hair color too. I also liked the skin analyzer tool, as it analyzes your acne, wrinkles, spots, and dark circles, and gives you an overall complexion score, so you can gauge if your skin care regimen is working.

The only drawback I found is that sometimes there is a small delay when taking a photo, so you might need to hold the pose an extra second or two. However, it did not happen often and I found that the variety of selfie editing tools are more than worth the extra few seconds.

YouCam Perfect 

Note: for editing your selfie exactly as you want

YouCam Perfect is my second pick. I found the wide variety of selfie editing features to be great for creating the perfect selfie. In particular, I liked the fact that you can edit any unwanted person or object out of your photo, which is great considering how many photos I’ve discarded due to annoying photobombs. I also thought it was pretty cool how you can even change backgrounds and add special effects to completely change the look and feel of your selfie. As my first pick, you can also use skin editing tools to remove blemishes, wrinkles, acne and more. I also liked how easy it is to add makeup and reduce eye bags.

While I loved all the selfie editing tools, at first, I was a bit overwhelmed with so many options. However, I found them all to be really great, and sometimes I even discovered new ones that gave an even better effect than I had imagined. So, while you may need to sort through several effects to find the one you want, you might find an unexpected one that will take your selfie to another level.


Note: For fun and unique selfies

Last but not least, my third pick is Camera360. I really liked that you can choose from hundreds of fun stickers that you can’t find on social media apps like Instagram, Snapchat and Whatsapp. I especially liked that you can also choose from countless moving stickers, which are a great way to add some fun to pictures and videos. I also found the photo collage options to be really neat. So if scrapbooking is your thing, this is probably a great choice for you. I also had a fun time doing selfie challenges. While it wasn’t something I was necessarily looking for in a selfie app, they are a lot of fun to complete, and you actually end up with some pretty unique selfies.

You may call me a bit of a perfectionist, but I usually have a certain look that I want to achieve when I am editing my photos. While I wasn’t crazy with the brightness level in some of the built-in effects, I found it easy enough to adjust the brightness and contrast levels to achieve the exact look I wanted. So, keep in mind you might need to manually tweak the brightness up a bit for some of the effects.

So, these are my top 3 selfie apps. My favorite is Camera360 as I love adding stickers to my pictures and videos before I post them on social media. However, I also find myself using YouCam frequently for a wide variety of makeup effects. Let me know which one you like, or if you have any favorites of your own that I did not include on the list. Happy selfie-taking!

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